Current DED treatments, including lid hygiene, in-office procedures, and over-the-counter products, may help address MGD (meibomian gland dysfunction), a key upstream driver of excessive evaporation.3-6
Treatments may fall short in directly addressing tear
evaporation due to3-5:
Most Rx treatments leave excessive evaporation unaddressed.3,7-11
Anti-inflammatories and tear stimulators may be insufficient to resolve symptoms of DED, and low rates of compliance and adherence have been observed.12,13
In a retrospective insurance claim study of 6537 cyclosporine patients and 3235 lifitegrast patients,
Real-world treatment patterns of cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion and lifitegrast ophthalmic solution among patients with dry eye
Emerging strategies for the diagnosis and treatment of meibomian gland dysfunction: proceedings of the OCEAN group meeting
Impact of dry eye disease on work productivity, and patients’ satisfaction with over-the-counter dry eye treatments
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